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 howdy! c:

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Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

howdy! c: Empty
PostSubject: howdy! c:   howdy! c: Icon_minitimeMon 26 Feb - 22:37

Your Internet names: Varrok
Age: 27 (for now!)
First language: English

Pick a color for your username: blue, please!

Since when do you play FFXIV? I've been playing FFXIV off and on since sometime in the Stormblood era! It's been my primary MMO for all of that time even if my engagement with it tends to wax and wane - too many other videogames to play, and not enough time!
How long have you been roleplaying? I've been roleplaying since 2015! I've bounced around a few games in that time; I got my start in Black Desert before moving briefly to WoW and then to FFXIV. I also roleplay with a few good friends in settings we've created, and of course, I play tabletop RPGs too!
How many characters do you have in game? Four!
Go on, talk about them: Okay, so! I could talk at length about all of them, but I'll try to keep things (relatively) brief.

Rouena Claimuet is my gameplay main! She's a Viera, and thaumaturge with a particular interest in history and the occult. Though she started out as a fairly morally-grey, ambitious sort, she's mellowed out considerably since then - not least of which because of the influence of her wife in keeping her grounded. She still spends a lot of time reading and researching, though!

Ellamei Naeuri is a Raen, and a writer! She's blind, but doesn't let that stop her in chasing her dreams of becoming a writer and seeing the world. She's also an incredibly kind, positive individual. I really enjoy writing her because her lack of sight poses interesting challenges - she doesn't have magic or aethersight or anything of the sort, and I try to write her in as realistic (and respectful!) a way as possible.

Fenva Aknesi is a Viera huntress! A recent refugee from Golmore, she's since landed quite well on her feet in Eorzea, despite her struggles with the language and culture. Her tribe was particularly primitive, not having access to basic metals and the like, so she's a super interesting lens to write through - as much as she might struggle with "modern" technology, she's a bright person and tends to catch on pretty quickly!

Ameline Drauvaire is my newest character, a Duskwight painter! I'm still working on what she's like, but the concept I have in mind is someone who is haunted by ghosts/spirits/etc. and rather than trying to push them away, she welcomes them, drawing upon the experiences they share for her art. Because of this, she has a bit of a tenuous grip on reality, and I think she'll be a lot of fun to write.

(edit: evidently, I forgot to scroll down in the template codebox. Rookie mistake!)

Do you draw or write? I write, very occasionally!

What are you expecting from this community? Mostly just a chill place to hang out with other similarly-interested folks! Most of my involvement in FFXIV is from the RP angle, but I also just like seeing what others come up with!

Mandatory pet tax: this is Sammie, my cat! I've only had her for like three months, but I'm absolutely obsessed with her, and she's the sweetest kitty I know. c:

howdy! c: Sammie10

Where else can we find you? Tumblr, mostly! I have a twitter account but it's dormant, and I don't visit the site much anymore.

That said, I'm looking forward to chilling here with y'all! Forums fill a niche that other forms of social media don't quite meet, imo, and I'm glad I happened across this place. c:
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Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

howdy! c: Empty
PostSubject: Re: howdy! c:   howdy! c: Icon_minitimeMon 26 Feb - 23:58

Hi there and welcome, Varrok! :>

I'm super invested already in Ellamei. I'd love to see and learn more about her if and when you feel like sharing more on the forum! ^^ Ameline is also a character who catches my eye, especially since I also have a character that is more occult and more inclined to the spiritual.

Sammie is also a wonderful kitty! What a beautiful coat! ; w ;
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Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

howdy! c: Empty
PostSubject: Re: howdy! c:   howdy! c: Icon_minitimeTue 27 Feb - 4:42

Thank you so much for the warm welcome! I absolutely plan to share more about both of them (and really, all of my characters), once I'm able to! In the meantime, though, I'm glad they interest you. Very Happy

And, she is! It's hard to believe she was at the shelter for as long as she was - but I'm so glad I found her. c:
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howdy! c: Empty
PostSubject: Re: howdy! c:   howdy! c: Icon_minitimeTue 27 Feb - 5:06

I love the pitches for all your characters already, so many different styles, and miss sammie is so cutes T_T !!! ♡ welcome welcome
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Hear, Feel, Think
Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

howdy! c: Empty
PostSubject: Re: howdy! c:   howdy! c: Icon_minitimeTue 27 Feb - 12:13

Hello and welcome o/

I already love your gals. Hope to see them in action soon!

And you now have access to the forum Very Happy
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Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

howdy! c: Empty
PostSubject: Re: howdy! c:   howdy! c: Icon_minitimeTue 27 Feb - 14:36

Thank you all so much! I definitely plan to write up a few posts about them, once I have a chance to do so! In the meantime though, I'm excited to be here c:
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Adventurer extraordinaire
Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : No
Writer : Yes

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PostSubject: Re: howdy! c:   howdy! c: Icon_minitimeTue 27 Feb - 20:25

Welcome! All your characters sound fun and interesting. Looking forward to learning more about them, but especially Rouena! A thaumaturge who is also a history buff sounds really cool.
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PostSubject: Re: howdy! c:   howdy! c: Icon_minitime

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