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Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

hihi! Empty
PostSubject: hihi!   hihi! Icon_minitimeMon 26 Feb - 15:38

Your Internet names: Almost always eldritchBat or Batty.
Age: 30+
First language: English.
A fun fact about your country: I live in a dumpster fire.

Pick a color for your username: Yellow! I would love to join the moogle squad.

Since when do you play FFXIV? Almost 5 years now. (Service account says 1800 days of sub!)
How long have you been roleplaying? Period? For 20 years now. In XIV? A few months after I started.
How many characters do you have in game? ... I've hit the cap. Active ones, though, 3 (2 versions of Arte and 1 Haurchefant). OCs/NPCs, like 20 I think.
Go on, talk about them:
My main is currently just an isekai self insert cause I'm entirely too self-indulgent with my little bit of free time. The fun part is the FC worth of OCs I crafted around her. There are a full 7 of them to make a full party. I can write a novel about them at this point. There's also Pepeshu as their manager of sorts and Aster, their house and groundskeeper. (There's 10 OCs.)
I have a second unrelated-but-do-interact-and-are-for-hire-kind-of-related group of OCs tied together to form a company that not only does high-risk shipping but will also hunt bounties and gather those rare materials or relics you need. Illia, the founder, Styrlona, the right-hand-woman and muscle, Kitsusu the brains of the whole thing. Then a supporting team of more OCs. (There's the other 10.)
I have OCs that touch all aspects of the game world at this point.

Do you draw or write? I do both, but I draw far more than I write. Sadly I don't have much time for either these days.

What are you expecting from this community? Networking! Other XIV fans to speak to and interact with. I  would particularly love art mutuals or "ships" of all types. (Particularly fond of found family!) I don't RP much these days due to some really bad experiences, but I'm happy to brainstorm and do snippets and art. I've just really missed forum-based interacting and community. It has a different feel from Discord spam and overwhelming that this old heart missed so much.

Mandatory pet tax:
Momo, my baby boy.
hihi! 20231218_201819
And with his adopted brother, Noodle.
hihi! 20230609_174557

Where else can we find you? I have a linktree in my signature! You can also message me if you would like to add me on discord for quick responses.
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Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

hihi! Empty
PostSubject: Re: hihi!   hihi! Icon_minitimeMon 26 Feb - 18:14

Hi, welcome! \ o w o /

We've been playing for roughly the same amount of time! Very Happy And it looks like we're both just as insatiable when it comes to making characters. XD I may not have hit cap myself, though I'm sure I will when I figure out what characters on my spreadsheet I actually want to bring with me through Eorzea for whatever reason I may have.

My main is also an isekai-insert of my FFXV character. I'd been playing FFXV a lot and love XV, that I wanted to use my character I made for the setting more, haha.

Also, your art and pfp are really cute! I love it! ; w ;
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Hear, Feel, Think
Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

hihi! Empty
PostSubject: Re: hihi!   hihi! Icon_minitimeMon 26 Feb - 19:28

Welcome o/

Well, if you're planning to write a novel about four full party (and the small village of OCs that surround them XD), you can now post them on Etheirys because you've just been granted access to everything o/

More seriously though—albeit you do have access to everything—I'm always impressed to learn that reaching the cap is doable! I feel quite reasonable with my 11 characters, now x)

Beautiful fur babies, btw!
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Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

hihi! Empty
PostSubject: Re: hihi!   hihi! Icon_minitimeTue 27 Feb - 4:11

PaintedScales wrote:
Hi, welcome! \ o w o /

We've been playing for roughly the same amount of time! Very Happy And it looks like we're both just as insatiable when it comes to making characters. XD I may not have hit cap myself, though I'm sure I will when I figure out what characters on my spreadsheet I actually want to bring with me through Eorzea for whatever reason I may have.

My main is also an isekai-insert of my FFXV character. I'd been playing FFXV a lot and love XV, that I wanted to use my character I made for the setting more, haha.

Also, your art and pfp are really cute! I love it! ; w ;

Hi hi! ╰(*´︶`*)╯
Oh, insatiable is a good way to describe me lol Every expansion adds more cool things to the game and I feel a need to make a character that is involved in some way. (The cap is 40! Warning in advance lol)

Isekai is just SO FUN to explore and play with. ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝ I especially also like writing in characters or OCs from other media (like Dragon Age) into the XIV world. It's really easy with how much space it takes.

(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡  Thank yoouuuu~ I love drawing really cute stuff.

Skaar wrote:
Welcome o/

Well, if you're planning to write a novel about four full party (and the small village of OCs that surround them XD), you can now post them on Etheirys because you've just been granted access to everything o/

More seriously though—albeit you do have access to everything—I'm always impressed to learn that reaching the cap is doable! I feel quite reasonable with my 11 characters, now x)

Beautiful fur babies, btw!

|ʘ‿ʘ)╯ I will need to poke around and find a place to lay down roots in thread form and start pulling all this brain soup out into something legible. 

Ah, the cap is 40 lol So between exploring multiple data centers and having lots of alts for playing around in, it was pretty easy to do for me. (ง ื▿ ื)ว I definitely need to start weeding them out, though.

Thank you! Their sister is not pictured because being a voidling makes her difficult to photograph lol
But Momo. He is baby. He demands to be cradled like a baby all the time.
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Adventurer extraordinaire
Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : No
Writer : Yes

hihi! Empty
PostSubject: Re: hihi!   hihi! Icon_minitimeTue 27 Feb - 20:36

Welcome Batty! I cannot wait to learn more about Illia and her crew. They sound delightful! Also thank you for the excellent pet tax.
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PostSubject: Re: hihi!   hihi! Icon_minitime

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