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 Hiya! I'm Orion

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Adventurer extraordinaire
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Writer : Yes

Hiya! I'm Orion Empty
PostSubject: Hiya! I'm Orion   Hiya! I'm Orion Icon_minitimeFri 23 Feb - 16:52

Your Internet names: Orion, or Sloth
Age: mid 30s
First language: English
A fun fact about your country: There is a variety of passion flower/fruit that is actually native to the Eastern half of the US known as the maypop. It's called that because in May, once the fruit is ripe, it tends to fall off the vines and burst, making a popping sound.

Since when do you play FFXIV? Summer 2020
How long have you been roleplaying? On and off since I was a teenager, but I'm not very good at staying consistent with it.
How many characters do you have in game? Two main characters, Orion and Taliesin, but they each have a collection of side characters that I have also developed either on my own or with my spouse/friends.
Go on, talk about them:

Orion D'Oschon

Hiya! I'm Orion Ff_12911
Orion is a quiet, bookish man who was born and spent his early life in Idylshire before the colony was abandoned by Old Sharlayan. He spent his adolescence as a refugee on the outskirts of Ul'dah before getting a job as an Arcanist in Limsa Lominsa. From there, his life followed the typical trajectory of a Warrior of Light.

When not fighting gods and saving the world, Orion leads a fairly peaceful and ordinary life. Through his travels, he developed an interest in botany, especially medicinal herbs. So he spends much of his free-time exploring, gathering samples, gardening and recording his findings.

Some Orion factoids:

  • Main job: Scholar
  • Other jobs: Summoner, Machinist, Botanist, Alchemist
  • Birthplace: Idylshire
  • Age: Mid 30s
  • Orientation: Bisexual, polyamorous
  • Gender: Cis male
  • Pronouns: He/him
  • Current home: Ishgard (also keeps an apartment in Limsa Lominsa)
  • Family: Only child. Both parents are still alive and living in Ul'dah.
  • Romantic Interests: Wife, Kendra T'soni. Life Partner, Aymeric de Borel. Deceased brain ghost, Ardbert. Deceased, Ysayle Dangoulain.

Taliesin Evander

Hiya! I'm Orion 20240212

Taliesin is an Alternate Universe character. He's the answer to my question, "What would happen if Hythlodaeus was sundered?" He's not the Warrior of Light. There is a version of Meteor that serves as WoL in this universe. However, he does have the Echo, is a member of the Scions, and part of Meteor's inner circle.

Taliesin is also secretly the long-term on-again-off-again Favorite of Garlean emperor, Solus Zos Galvus. They have known one another since before Solus took the throne. (And they possibly have several children? I haven't decided.) Taliesin does not reveal this secret to Meteor or the Scions until shortly after Solus's death. Taliesin's lore is still very much in flux.

Some Taliesin factoids:

  • Main job: Bard
  • Other jobs: Conjurer, Scholar, Monk, Weaver
  • Birthplace: Skatay Range, Othard
  • Age: Early 90s
  • Orientation: Bisexual, polyamorous
  • Gender: Transmasc, genderfluid
  • Pronouns: usually he/him, has used they/them on occasion
  • Current home: Old Sharlayan. He has his own suite at the Baldesion Annex, but he also frequently stays at the palace in Radz-at-Han.
  • Family: He possibly has a few adult sons and daughters running around but I haven't decided for certain. He does not have any contact with his birth clan. He also considers G'raha, Krile, Alphinaud, and Alisaie family. Zenos just gets a big fat "It's complicated" stamp.
  • Romantic Interests: On-again-off-again lovers, companions, enemies, it's so complicated, my god, Solus zos Galvus. Amiable exes, Jehantel. Eventual romance with Meteor and G'raha. He might also have a thing with Raubahn, I haven't decided.

Do you draw or write? I mostly write and gpose. I dabble in drawing, though my figure drawing is subpar. 

What are you expecting from this community? I'm looking forward to making some new FFXIV friends and developing a community where we all can share our fanworks without feeling like we're screaming into a void.

Mandatory pet tax:
Hiya! I'm Orion 20220110

Where else can we find you? I am most active on Tumblr: Snotsloth. You can also find me on AO3: GanymedeRosalind
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Hear, Feel, Think
Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

Hiya! I'm Orion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya! I'm Orion   Hiya! I'm Orion Icon_minitimeFri 23 Feb - 21:23

Hello and welcome on Etheirys!

First, thank you for welcoming everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate the effort you made!

And secondly, I really like your characters! And especially that your WoL is a scientist, it fits so well with the rest of the Scions. Does Taliesin remember anything about his past life as Hythlodaeus?

I'll also need you to tell me which color you'd like for your username but otherwise everything's in order. You can now post in the other boards!
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Adventurer extraordinaire
Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : No
Writer : Yes

Hiya! I'm Orion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya! I'm Orion   Hiya! I'm Orion Icon_minitimeFri 23 Feb - 21:46

Skaar wrote:
Hello and welcome on Etheirys!

First, thank you for welcoming everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate the effort you made!

And secondly, I really like your characters! And especially that your WoL is a scientist, it fits so well with the rest of the Scions. Does Taliesin remember anything about his past life as Hythlodaeus?

I'll also need you to tell me which color you'd like for your username but otherwise everything's in order. You can now post in the other boards!

Thank you for the warm welcome! I had some extra time on my hands between work tasks today, so I thought why not cheer everyone on?

And thanks for the compliments on my characters. Orion has become really special to me; he's basically just Milo Thatch from Disney's Atlantis in the skin of 2+ meter dragon man. Pre-Shadowbringers, Taliesin had no memories of his life as Hythlodaeus, though now both he and Meteor occasionally regain fragments of memory. The trip to Elpis brought a lot back to both of them.

As for color, purple please!
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Hear, Feel, Think
Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

Hiya! I'm Orion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya! I'm Orion   Hiya! I'm Orion Icon_minitimeFri 23 Feb - 21:48

Yeah, I can imagine how it might have brought back some memories!

And it's done o/

(Excellent ref btw. Atlantis is probably my favorite animation movie!)
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Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

Hiya! I'm Orion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya! I'm Orion   Hiya! I'm Orion Icon_minitimeSun 25 Feb - 18:09


Maypops sound interesting. I don't think I've ever encountered any when I visited New Jersey (do they grow that far north in the States?). So what interesting information to learn!

I love your characters and what you've shared of them with us so far! I know I've already pestered your characters in the questions forum, but they're really both very wonderful so far that I've seen. :>

What a cute puppo, too! I hope they get all the scritchies. > w <
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Adventurer extraordinaire
Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : No
Writer : Yes

Hiya! I'm Orion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya! I'm Orion   Hiya! I'm Orion Icon_minitimeTue 27 Feb - 21:33

PaintedScales wrote:

Maypops sound interesting. I don't think I've ever encountered any when I visited New Jersey (do they grow that far north in the States?). So what interesting information to learn!

I love your characters and what you've shared of them with us so far! I know I've already pestered your characters in the questions forum, but they're really both very wonderful so far that I've seen. :>

What a cute puppo, too! I hope they get all the scritchies. > w <

Maypops are fascinating and I want to grow them so badly! They can grow as far north as New York and Ohio, but their native range is more to the southeast. But they're hard to germinate from seed and I haven't found a local nursery that stocks them. (Plus they grow very quickly and I have a very small yard  Hiya! I'm Orion 1f605 )

Thanks for interacting here and in other places! I'm having a great time sharing stuff and also learning more about your and everyone else's characters!
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Hiya! I'm Orion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hiya! I'm Orion   Hiya! I'm Orion Icon_minitime

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