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Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

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PostSubject: /greet   /greet Icon_minitimeMon 12 Dec - 23:10

Your Internet names: Alice- though I've also gone by Maji.
Age: 28
First language: English
A fun fact about your country: We have the longest cave system in the world, apparently. In Kentucky. Who knew?

Since when do you play FFXIV? Technically since the launch of ARR, though I fell off the wagon rather quickly and didn't even finish the MSQ before quitting. I came back after hearing the crazy amounts of acclaim for Shadowbringers and have been addicted ever since!

How long have you been roleplaying? Too long... far, far too long...

How many characters do you have in game? Too many... far, far too many... (I would consider only one of those characters my active 'gameplay main', though. The rest are just RP/GPOSE alts.)

Go on, talk about them: Uh-oh.
  • Current gameplay/RP main is W'vhern Grimm, ex-Garlean soldier now turned adventurer-for-hire. Edgelord on the outside, warm gooey caramel center on the inside. (Might be a Voidsent. Don't worry about it.) [they/them]
  • Ruuz of the Dotharl, both a himbo and a whirlwind of potent magical destruction. He wanders the world in search of enlightenment, hoping to reach the fabled state of nirvana and understand the secrets of the universe. [he/him]
  • Ophilia Alzatsi, a kind and sweet-hearted scholar from Sharlayan. She specializes in the burgeoning field of mental health, hoping to become an Archon therapist and help mend the unseen wounds of the war and... well, everything inherently traumatic about adventuring. [she/her] (She's the one in my avatar!)

Do you draw or write? I do plenty of writing, both in RP and outside it. My other loves are taking beautiful screenshots, making beautiful glams, and helping others to make their carrds beautiful. I am not much of a drawer, but I love to commission other artists. n_n

What are you expecting from this community? Honestly, Discord servers are wonderful, but I find myself burning out on them super quick x_x
Forums are a lot slower paced and I'm actually quite nostalgic for the more laid-back methods of hanging out with folks and contributing in a more collaborative way. I'm just excited to be on a forum again!

Mandatory pet tax: Oh lawd he comin'.
/greet HP4a3UH

Where else can we find you? I somehow remain active on Tumblr, occasionally post my screenshots on Twitter (for as long as it remains around) and, theoretically, have been known to do content in-game every so often. But you can't prove it.
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Hear, Feel, Think
Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

/greet Empty
PostSubject: Re: /greet   /greet Icon_minitimeMon 12 Dec - 23:30

Greetings and salutations, fellow alt enjoyer XD

You should have access to everything now. Feel free to start posting about your writing or about your characters or, really, anything else you feel like posting. Even... I'll dare say it, even posting to have people do content in-game with you. If you want to.
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Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

/greet Empty
PostSubject: Re: /greet   /greet Icon_minitimeMon 12 Dec - 23:35

Whoa, don't get too crazy now xD
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Artist : yes
Roleplayer : yes
Writer : no

/greet Empty
PostSubject: Re: /greet   /greet Icon_minitimeWed 14 Dec - 7:34

hello!! your characters sound super cute! and omg I relate to the forum nostalgia so much. x'D
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Adventurer extraordinaire
Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : No
Writer : Yes

/greet Empty
PostSubject: Re: /greet   /greet Icon_minitimeFri 23 Feb - 18:07

Your avatar is so pretty!  /greet 1f60d 

All of your characters sound really interesting. I'm looking forward to learning more!
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Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

/greet Empty
PostSubject: Re: /greet   /greet Icon_minitimeSat 24 Feb - 1:44


It sounds like you're another altoholic like I am. XD I have so many characters that I just feel like I overwhelm people with.

The characters you shared, though, sound really interesting! :> I would love to get to know them over time!
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Artist : no
Roleplayer : yes
Writer : yes

/greet Empty
PostSubject: Re: /greet   /greet Icon_minitimeSat 24 Feb - 1:54

ahh! my wife roleplays a garlean character who is hard on the outside and soft on the inside, too. i really like characters like that, and i've noticed many of my characters gravitate toward them as well. also, i'm really into redemption stories and character arcs that reckon with dark pasts, so i really like the ideas around this character.

also, i have a character who was a part of the dotharl too! it's nice to see fellow dotharli characters! there's always the chance of thinking up backstory with others, but also i enjoy watching steppe xaela adventure beyond othard!
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PostSubject: Re: /greet   /greet Icon_minitime

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