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Artist : no
Roleplayer : no
Writer : yes

Hellooo Empty
PostSubject: Hellooo   Hellooo Icon_minitimeWed 6 Mar - 16:13

Your Internet names: It's Lizbob Jones (Elizabethrobertajones on tunglr)... I mostly go by Melly online (And IRL after internet friends became real friends) except I accidentally used my real name (Lizzy) as a burner tumblr account which became my main for FFXIV and other fandom activity, but my IRL name is not [- Roberta Jones], only the Elizabeth bit is true. Anyway if you shout Melly, Melzaar, Lizzy, Lizbob or Elizabeth in crowded room I turn around so I don't care what you call me. I live too many lives.
Age: mid 30s
First language: Anglais
A fun fact about your country: Beans on toast.

Pick a color for your username: yellow

Since when do you play FFXIV? 2020 lockdowwwwn 
How long have you been roleplaying? too nervous to do so 
How many characters do you have in game? Several... I mostly end up talking about Bounding Frog, recently her reaper avatar Fransi, and the ill-fated Galvin the fail bunny lad
Go on, talk about them: Frog is a giant soft-hearted roe from Gyr Abania whose adventure has run very close to canon and I only fill the gaps allowed with extra content, because I really like the idea of the Generic WoL being a 7ft tall Hellsguard instead of the generic Meteor. It also means she gets way too many canonical love interests on account of everyone always falling in love with the WoL but that's not really a bad problem to have. She's currently involved in bothering Erenville in intense academic rivalry over frogs so we'll see where Dawntrail takes them.
Hellooo 5d76729294613b95c20157b5ce75fa614e600a38

Fransi is a once-lalafell voidsent from a farm in the middle of nowhere where she happily lived and raised a family and farmed largely wheat, potatoe, and a few cows, sheep, chickens etc (this is very important character information. To her.) After she was obliterated into a voidsent in the Flood of Darkness she mostly floated around as a disembodied mouth that shouted rude things and bit people for 10,000 years, but upon pacting with Frog as a reaper she began to regain a sense of personality while sharing aether with Frog, and Frog's curiosity about what manner of person she had pacted with after meeting Zero and realising how human voidsent could be, drove her to summon and materialise Fransi long enough to learn some biographical information, and now can create a stable connection that others can use to talk to Fransi while Frog is enshrouded, leaving G'raha having a biography dictated to him by a foul-mouthed illiterate farmer from another universe. I didn't mean to get remotely this invested in her but I had to learn to play controller and levelled her and now I'm obsessed.

Hellooo Af68656c6e5d59875fbec692ab9dff01a7290e0f

Galvin was how I re-learned Black Mage in Endwalker and he's terrible and dies to every challenge including things you would not think it is possible to fail. He's a viera forest prince who ran away because he's too gay to handle that lifestyle, and promptly retired to the island sanctuary complaining that the adventurer lifestyle was too hard as well. He now happily hangs out on the beach and lets the mammets do the hard work. Despite numerous character flaws ascribed to him by my free company (who did not vibe with his look at all and teased him into shape as just the Worst) he somehow pulled Urianger in this universe. The general vibe from Galvinverse is that he's somehow just creating a miasma that makes everything suck, largely corresponding to the facial hair Galvin is experimenting with. I love him. 
Hellooo 8edc356765ce2b7d5c2b7ea8b811f53867b4a169

Do you draw or write? I'm a writer, if the lengthy character intros didn't reveal that Very Happy

What are you expecting from this community? I love everyone's OCs whether I've met them yet or not and I am here to hype up everyone's lil guys :3

Mandatory pet tax: Waaah I live in a deeply unsuitable house for pets (no garden/main road)... We have a plastic grogu?  

Where else can we find you? Frog (tumblr.com)
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Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

Hellooo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hellooo   Hellooo Icon_minitimeWed 6 Mar - 16:57

°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° Hihi and welcome to Etheirys!!

I must say, I absolutely adore Frog. (♡˙︶˙♡) Roe ladies are the best.
And Fransi sounds like a terror and a delight.
Galvin sounds like he would like some help though. (⁀ᗢ⁀)
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Hear, Feel, Think
Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

Hellooo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hellooo   Hellooo Icon_minitimeWed 6 Mar - 18:44

Hello and welcome o/

I love your characters, they're so colorful and sound like they're immensely fun to write!

Looking forward to learning even more about them Very Happy

And you can now post everywhere.
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Artist : No
Roleplayer : No
Writer : Yes

Hellooo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hellooo   Hellooo Icon_minitimeThu 7 Mar - 0:54

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Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

Hellooo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hellooo   Hellooo Icon_minitimeThu 7 Mar - 14:23

Okay, "intense academic rivalry over frogs" may be the best thing I've read today. Do you follow Mark Scherz on Tumblr because I think you'd love what he posts!
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Artist : no
Roleplayer : no
Writer : yes

Hellooo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hellooo   Hellooo Icon_minitimeThu 7 Mar - 15:02

eldritchBat wrote:
°˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖° Hihi and welcome to Etheirys!!

I must say, I absolutely adore Frog. (♡˙︶˙♡) Roe ladies are the best.
And Fransi sounds like a terror and a delight.
Galvin sounds like he would like some help though. (⁀ᗢ⁀)

Thank you! Glad to find people are correct about roes here :> 

(Galvin needs all the help but he's staying right where he is because the dread that fills me at learning BLM again now I play with controller is pinning him to the map frozen halfway through EW patches until I am stronger...)

Skaar wrote:
Hello and welcome o/

I love your characters, they're so colorful and sound like they're immensely fun to write!

Looking forward to learning even more about them Very Happy

And you can now post everywhere.

Woo, thank you. (Oh no, I've been back on a forum five minutes and my early 2000s forum self is reasserting and I'm saying woo.)

LilBittyMonster wrote:


angel_dlatu wrote:
Okay, "intense academic rivalry over frogs" may be the best thing I've read today. Do you follow Mark Scherz on Tumblr because I think you'd love what he posts!
I DO. He is clearly the shard of Erenville in this world. 

Honestly, Erenville was asking to be Frog's nemesis since he went right up to my WoL who had based her whole personality on the majestic giant river frogs she'd grown up wrassling and had the NERVE to tell her he was more of an expert about toads and she was doing it wrong??? 

Now, me as the player whose favourite animal is a frog, he became my favourite character in the whole game. 

Frog however. It's on sight. >: )
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PostSubject: Re: Hellooo   Hellooo Icon_minitime

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