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Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : No

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PostSubject: Hello~   Hello~ Icon_minitimeThu 29 Feb - 2:19

I am Jana! I've been RPing for close to 15 years now and have been playing FFXIV since 2.0 (its betas, specifically). I have a few characters but the two I'm currently playing are Jana Ridah, a crazed adventurer who kills bandits and enemy soldiers for fun, and Uzuki Katakura, a young refugee who is trying to make it as a businesswoman. As is probably obvious, Jana is my main for PvE who I do all new content on, but I'm in the process of catching Uzuki up on the Endwalker MSQ.

Your Internet names: Jana
Age: 33
First language: English
A fun fact about your country: The US is pretty vast, right? We've got a lot of biomes and stuff, even without counting Alaska or Hawaii.

Pick a color for your username: Purple, please.

Since when do you play FFXIV? 2.0 ARR
How long have you been roleplaying? ~15 years
How many characters do you have in game? 4 (2 active, 2 alts)
Go on, talk about them: 
Jana Ridah: A veteran adventurer working through the grief of her deceased lover by killing pirates, bandits, beastmen, enemy soldiers... "Justifiable targets" in the eyes of the Grand Companies and Adventurers' Guild. Even if she knows that enjoying herself is wrong, she feels morally clear. Took in the refugee Uzuki to help clear her conscience protect her from exploitative Eorzeans and Domans alike.
Uzuki Katakura: Jana's young ward, an orphan and refugee from Doma whose family ran a system of warehouses. Many of the contents of said warehouses, unclaimed by those who presumably died in Doma's rebellion, quickly made her wealthier than her fellows, and she tries to put her newfound capital into running a financial business. Now that she's of age, she can strike out on her own, but the owners of some of those unclaimed treasures she sold off may come out of hiding now that Doma is free...

Do you draw or write? I roleplay, but don't really consider myself a writer.

What are you expecting from this community? I'd like to see more roleplayers make their way over and begin using the site as a centralized hub to share events, as opposed to having them fragmented between a million different Discord servers.

Mandatory pet tax: I don't have a pet!

Where else can we find you? I technically have a Twitter and a Tumblr, but I almost never use them.
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Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

Hello~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello~   Hello~ Icon_minitimeThu 29 Feb - 2:25

Hello, Jana! Welcome to the Etheirys forums! :>

Your characters certainly sound like quite the duo! I'm excited to learn more about them with whatever you decide to share with us! ^^

I also hope that the RP scene picks up. Definitely take a look at the RP on Etheirys thread if you'd like to go ahead and throw your two gil for how you'd like to see RPs happen on the forums in an organized capacity! :>
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Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

Hello~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello~   Hello~ Icon_minitimeThu 29 Feb - 8:25

Roleplaying is another form of writing, so you do count as a writer! It takes a particular skill to cowrite stories while giving room and flexibility for others!
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Hear, Feel, Think
Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

Hello~ Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello~   Hello~ Icon_minitimeThu 29 Feb - 9:18

Hello and welcome!

What a fun duo of characters you have! Their differences of priorities must make for fun discussions in the evening x)

As for the RP scene, this is my hope too. And like @PaintedScales said, feel free to share your opinion about what you want the rp board to be like! I'm leaving it open until the weekend, I think, so I can start working on everything soon.

As for now, you've been granted access to the entire forum. Hope you have fun with us :3
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