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 Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star

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PostSubject: Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star   Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star Icon_minitimeThu 29 Feb - 1:24

Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 1d5ebfec9e0cd9dde90bc950d2dc07d244a97075
Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star Befea9d307fd670ec10268ff1c2a9ada477fae43   Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 9e21e7083038997ca2ee7cca47038c5207059ee2   Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 0de28e864c1cd470aaed4f67671374e7efebc2d8
Primam Chorus || 28 || Female || Demiro/Demisex || 5'6" || 140 lbs.
Elemancy Specialist || Kingsglaive || Crownsguard || Arm of the King

Through an unknown means to Primam and those affected by the happenings, she had been whisked away from the star of Eos and brought to the star of Hydaelyn. Originally, Primam had thought it an elaborate and vivid dream, but with the duration and how very real everything felt…well, she had to concede that perhaps she really had ended up on a different star altogether. An inconceivably odd occurrence for sure.

Having ended up in the lands of Yanxia, Primam had wandered the lands with what abilities she still had access to. Thankfully, her warping still remained intact, and she could travel relatively safely from place to place. It was not until she met an abrasive individual who was also considered a foreigner to the lands that she found a temporary respite.

Getting to know this man and his wife, who had been native to the lands, Primam had been reluctantly offered both a place to stay and a means to earn her keep. The married couple, Cynemund and Yuki Blacke, owned a museum by name of the Black Snow Museum in Shirogane. Primam used this as an opportunity to learn about the world she found herself in as she now works there.

It has since been four years since Primam first arrived upon Hydaelyn. In this time, she has made several contacts and has learned about the fact that there are others she knows upon the same star – her brother included. Along with learning that there are at least four others from Eos upon Hydaelyn, Primam has taken to pouring research efforts in travel through aether – not that she nor her allies from Eos can even attune to aetherytes nor manipulate it in the same way.

((Things to note is that Primam is very much an FFXV character and is treated as such even in setting of XIV. She's more or less an isekai'd one of several in some of the RP stuff I did in the past. She approaches Hydaelyn and the things of differently and definitely has to adjust to a lot of differences between Etheirys and Eos!))

Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star Bf2b701b9215d775b654cf338974e0d636bf205b  Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star B611155e90a420deab6dcbc8cf18798059dd24c1  Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 14a57f95c1d903c959892834a99a17533d24837e
Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 1d5ebfec9e0cd9dde90bc950d2dc07d244a97075
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Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star Empty
PostSubject: Re: Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star   Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star Icon_minitimeThu 29 Feb - 9:44

What is the smallest difference between your home of origin and your current home that has caused  you the most confusion and frustration? What is the smallest thing that you've been thrilled to see different from home?
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Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star Empty
PostSubject: Re: Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star   Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star Icon_minitimeThu 29 Feb - 12:32

angel_dlatu wrote:
What is the smallest difference between your home of origin and your current home that has caused  you the most confusion and frustration? What is the smallest thing that you've been thrilled to see different from home?
Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 1d5ebfec9e0cd9dde90bc950d2dc07d244a97075

"'Smallest difference'..." Primam repeats, rotating the question in her head as she did her best to think about what there was so far. She then lets out a soft scoff of amusement, shaking her head all the while now that something had come to mind. "Well, letters and characters are at the top of my list, now that I've given it some consideration. Cynemund taught me much about Eorzean script, and even seeing Hingan script around Shirogane and Kugane, there are similarities between the scripts I'm used to from my star of Eos."

Primam pulls out a small notebook and some charcoal. She writes the difference between what she is familiar with and what Eorzeans would be familiar with with just simple set of letters.

A. B. C.
Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 7f27067dff72709e783143e48d928cee  Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 4e57d14b7b9dafd03be5eddb3d9ec711  Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 4aee04c82f2ccc5f0a2123193e1a5bf9

"We have two different types of script in just the royal city of Insomnia alone; one that resembles the Eorzean-style text, and one that resembles the Hingan-style text. But both are different enough that reading them becomes a hurdle I still face after four years of being here."

She then writes additional characters, both in Hingan and her native script.

あ. え. お.
Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 89618ee8071a9d729d534900046e8319 Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 754c170d313d0a5c7fec0d92daf2acd7 Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 9400d52134e65b4dd8e869c5c395793a

"So... Perhaps you could see where I struggle in putting them together at times when I have much to keep track of."

Closing her notebook, Primam then pondered further on the second question asked of her.

"I'm not too sure what the 'smallest thing' would be. Truth be told, I still miss a lot of the technologies of home..." Primam admitted. "Insomnia was so...convenient. And I missed much of it when the Starscourge enveloped the star and I was then stationed between Lestallum and Hammerhead."

A sigh left her. Primam was only mildly frustrated in the fact that she felt like she could not give a satisfying answer to the question.

A small look of realization befalls her face.

"Actually...would the denizens of this star consider travel by aether 'small'? I see aetherytes everywhere, and have even been told to 'attune' to such structures. Perhaps it is because magic is not something everyone on Eos can do -- in fact, it is a right only saved for those of royal blood. But if everyone on Hydaelyn can wield aether the way it has been told to me, perhaps that is one such commodity that I would love to see on my own star. Even if I cannot do it here for whatever reason may be at play."

Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 1d5ebfec9e0cd9dde90bc950d2dc07d244a97075
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Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

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PostSubject: Re: Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star   Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star Icon_minitimeThu 29 Feb - 17:20

....Technologies from home? Intriguing. Can you tell us some more about these technologies?
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Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star Empty
PostSubject: Re: Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star   Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star Icon_minitimeFri 1 Mar - 0:03

WanderersWay wrote:
....Technologies from home? Intriguing. Can you tell us some more about these technologies?

Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 1d5ebfec9e0cd9dde90bc950d2dc07d244a97075

"Certainly!" Primam then fishes her smart phone from pocket. Its out-turned screen was black, and she kind of laughed in a wry manner as she faced it back toward herself. The case it was in was a blue polymer, and a small charm with a more lanky-looking, patchwork moogle hung from the bottom of it.

"It's...more impressive when it has power. But, um...it's a communication device, much like your linkpearls. The difference, however, is...well, that it can also give us news. Uh, like...papers! News articles that we can read on the screen here. And not just read news, but watch footage, er...moving pictures complete with sound on it. On that note, a lot of people also use them to listen to music or take photos -- kind of like painting to preserve an image, but...hm..."

Primam took a moment. "Well. Maybe I can phrase it more like: the photos we take on these phones like blinking. But you preserve the image of what you were looking at before you blinked on the screen."

Pocketing it, Primam rubbed the back of her neck. "I know it's probably hard to believe since it doesn't work right now. One of my friends and I have been seeing if we can use lightning crystals or shards to make something that can give it power without frying it completely. But, uh...I haven't quite been brave enough to potentially sacrifice it to find out. It would be a pain to get a new one back home and get everyone who used to be on my contacts back on it."

Primam then rubbed her chin, thinking of other things.

"We also have electric-powered heating and cooling back home..." Primam then groans slightly. "And rice cookers. By the Six, I miss having a more convenient rice cooker at home that could also be used to steam my food for something quick. Same with an electric crock pot to have soups or stews ready by the time I got home from work or training... And a good stand mixer to help knead dough or whip eggs or cream faster and more efficiently than hand-whisking... Cooking takes so much longer here without them."

((Edit: I realize I should probably note that I don't consider the /tomestone emote indicative of an actual 'smart phone' device, and more akin to a Kindle, since tomestones store data and have not been proven to do anything further than.))

Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 1d5ebfec9e0cd9dde90bc950d2dc07d244a97075
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Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

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PostSubject: Re: Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star   Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star Icon_minitimeSat 9 Mar - 20:25

What were your favorite displays at the museum? Were any particularly shocking or surprising?
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Writer : Yes

Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star Empty
PostSubject: Re: Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star   Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star Icon_minitimeSat 9 Mar - 22:37

calico-heart wrote:
What were your favorite displays at the museum? Were any particularly shocking or surprising?

Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star 1d5ebfec9e0cd9dde90bc950d2dc07d244a97075

Almost immediately, an expression of being somewhat flabbergasted befell Primam's face. Thoughts raced through her head as she thought about all of the different exhibits and bits of knowledge she had gained about the world around her. She then placed her hands on her hips, trying to figure out which one she wanted to bring to surface first.

"Well...my favorite part of the museum is the Bozjan display. There are replicas of some of the weapons part of the Queen's arsenal there, but the display itself is very...interesting. To me, at least," Primam starts. "The way the exhibit's been curated, it's like walking into a garden a little bit. Where I'm from, the Royal Museum of Lucis is very..."

Primam takes a moment, thinking about how to word it.

"It's very spick and span. I never worked there, and I only visited for my own educational regimen at the time, but there aren't any garden-like exhibits where I'm from, and I just think it's neat that Cynemund and Yuki kind of made it that way."

Thinking more about some of the other things at the museum, Primam continued: "as for things that shocked or surprised me... A lot, actually. Because magic is so prevalent in Hydaelyn versus Eos, it seems surprising to me to learn about the histories of a lot of things -- like the protection of White magic, or the outlawed use of Black magic. I find it fascinating that such measures have to be put into place in order to maintain the proper life and balance of the star itself."

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PostSubject: Re: Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star   Primam Chorus :: Lady of a Different Star Icon_minitime

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