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 C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte

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PostSubject: C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte   C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte Icon_minitimeWed 28 Feb - 12:50

C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte 2024-011

Name: C'allie Kyho
Age: 23
Spouses: L'upus Kyho nee Lynx (Keeper miqo'te) - wife; Thravnar Kyho nee Ravensun (Seeker miqo'te) - husband; Zale Bolton (Seeker miqo'te) - husband; Targur Kyho nee Steelfist (Lost Hrothgar) - husband; Rylen Ashworth (Highlander Hyur) - boyfriend
Children: Thing One (Bio Parents: Lulu & Targur); Thing Two (Bio Parents: C'allie & Thrav); Thing Three & Four [twins] (Bio Parents: Zale & Lulu)
Pets: Dumpling, her favorite fat fuck of a cat
Mounts/Companions: Pot Pie, who may be a voidsent in a Fatter Cat form but he's her favorite voidsent!
Home: Shirogane
Birthplace: The Kyho encampment, Gyr Abania

Profession: Bakery Attendant (part time at her husband Zale's bakery) and Locksmith (she is friends with all locks) [Actual Profession: assassin (she does still take on contracts but she's given up on regular work)]

Personality: Possessed of an absolutely rock-solid self confidence, she's bubbly, personable, and always willing to break a law or get into shenanigans for the sheer fun of it. She also has no consideration for personal space once she considers a person "hers" (be they romantic partners or friends) and will aggressively improve someone's quality of life. New furniture, better clothing, a higher quality of liquor, even a random renovation are possibilities when C'allie is officially In Someone's Life. She also is very largely amoral, seeing nothing wrong with killing someone as a permanent solution, and is only really defensive of children and animals. ("They can't give you a fair fuckin' fight, why would you pick on 'em if you're not some brokedick?") And while she never seemed the Type to Settle Down, she is very happy with her four spouses and her "side piece," as well as with the herd of children that she fully intends to add to.

Family: the Kyho tribe is a sprawling, expansive Seeker tribe under the successful leadership of C'allie's father, C'kyho Nunh. One of the reasons the tribe is so successful is that C'kyho understands a nunh's job and cultivates the talents of his extended family, as well as the numerous adopted members of the tribe. No one is chased off unless they cause active, malicious harm (and there aren't any "city nunh wannabes" who abuse other members of the family) and there's a community spirit that keeps everyone contributing.

C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte 2024-012

(They also like to take family trips together for the fun of it.)
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Artist : No
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Writer : Yes

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PostSubject: Re: C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte   C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte Icon_minitimeWed 28 Feb - 17:06

Hello, C'allie-- you're getting three questions from me, since each of my three muses have a different question they'd like to ask. Bonus points if you guess who asked each question.

1. "A successful tribe can be attributed to a successful leader, aye, but what would you say is the most important aspect of the rest of the tribe, and why?"

2. "Which padlocks are easier to pick-- er, work on when the key is lost; front-key or bottom-key? Is it true that the ones that aren't rounded on the bottom can sometimes be jarred loose with an impact at just the right spot?" (He's not subtle.)

3. "Bakery work means you can settle a debate for me once and for all: sourdough or rye?"
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Artist : Yes
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Writer : Yes

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PostSubject: Re: C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte   C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte Icon_minitimeWed 28 Feb - 22:34

Hihi, C'allie!

How did you come to meet either Dumpling or Pot Pie? Also, adorable names for them, by the way! :>
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Artist : No
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Writer : Yes

C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte Empty
PostSubject: Re: C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte   C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte Icon_minitimeThu 29 Feb - 8:46

WanderersWay wrote:
Hello, C'allie-- you're getting three questions from me, since each of my three muses have a different question they'd like to ask. Bonus points if you guess who asked each question.

1. "A successful tribe can be attributed to a successful leader, aye, but what would you say is the most important aspect of the rest of the tribe, and why?"

2. "Which padlocks are easier to pick-- er, work on when the key is lost; front-key or bottom-key? Is it true that the ones that aren't rounded on the bottom can sometimes be jarred loose with an impact at just the right spot?" (He's not subtle.)

3. "Bakery work means you can settle a debate for me once and for all: sourdough or rye?"

"Cooperatin'," she said promptly, shoving the wad of cat away from the spatula. "If everybody got it in their head to go challenging Dad or complaining about the duties they've gotta take to keep everything working, then it'd be a big old mess."

C'allie's heavy tail swung up, smacking Dumpling before the cat could waddle onto a pot holder, and she snatched it from the counter. "If everybody works together, nobody has to deal with the nasty jobs for more than a few days, and everyone feels like they got a fair shake."

She paused, a gold-furred ear swiveling back to listen, and then laughed. "Bottom key is the easiest 'cause you just have to go up and shake a lot, it's not too hard," she said, carefully peeling the fresh batch of pumpkin walnut cookies off the baking sheet. "And you can smack some loose, but usually only the poor quality locks that you could just pry open with a thick stick. I've taken those off and replaced 'em with better ones just because some poor idiots don't know the difference."

With a cookie balanced on the spatula, she turned and held it out. "Sourdough," C'allie stated, nodding once. "Zale's sourdough bread's the best I ever ate. Want some? I got some nice bacon and some crisp lettuce, can do a good sandwich."
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Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

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PostSubject: Re: C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte   C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte Icon_minitimeThu 29 Feb - 9:34

PaintedScales wrote:
Hihi, C'allie!

How did you come to meet either Dumpling or Pot Pie? Also, adorable names for them, by the way! :>
"Pot Pie I actually stole from my brother," she said, slapping the side of the placidly purring mountain of a cat she leaned against. "Dad caught him trying to swallow one of my cousins, so he got kind of... shoved over to the edge of the camp, and when I moved away from home, I took him with me. Cute, isn't he? My husband Zale's kinda scared of him, but Lulu and the kids love him."

C'allie paused and then grinned sheepishly. "But he tries to eat anybody layin' prone, so I keep him at Seifer's place most of the time. They feed him really well."

Her foot moved, pushing Dumpling over, and the cat rolled onto his back, all four paws hanging limply against his stomach. "This one I found as a kitten when I was first living in Kugane. Both of us were surprised as hell to find each other going for the same piece of sushi. His mom'd just had a whole litter and the Raen who owned the shop wanted to find 'em homes." C'allie smiled, pushing Dumpling again before she lowered her legs and let the heavyweight waddle onto her lap. "I took him to a bunch of healers 'cause my brother C'ilo kept saying he wasn't healthy, but they all said he's fine."

She grinned. "And then I let Dumpling into C'ilo's tent while he was sleeping and Dumpling just about smothered him, then spent half the night walking across his bladder so he didn't get ANY sleep."
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Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte Empty
PostSubject: Re: C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte   C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte Icon_minitimeThu 29 Feb - 10:32

angel_dlatu wrote:
With a cookie balanced on the spatula, she turned and held it out. "Sourdough," C'allie stated, nodding once. "Zale's sourdough bread's the best I ever ate. Want some? I got some nice bacon and some crisp lettuce, can do a good sandwich."

Sourdough is the cultured, correct answer to that question.

I don't make the rules.
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Hear, Feel, Think
Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

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PostSubject: Re: C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte   C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte Icon_minitimeMon 4 Mar - 22:10

So C'allie, considering your background, how do you deal with annoying customers? Had any fun scaring some away?
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PostSubject: Re: C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte   C'allie Kyho - Professional Nuisance - Proud Sun Catte Icon_minitime

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