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 Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything

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Artist : yes
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Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Empty
PostSubject: Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything   Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Icon_minitimeWed 28 Feb - 9:42

Rowan Argentas, Warrior of Light

Duskwight Elezen, around 25 summers at the start of ARR.

Combat Classes: Bard, Dragoon, Red Mage. Later picks up Arcanima and Astrology but does not use them in combat.
Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything 747f6bd2779d5aa35e7b7362aa5f0c46e00c14bb

A shy, soft spoken woman, Rowan may not initially fit people's expectations of what a Warrior of Light should be. That is until they see her acumen in combat and her willingness to help her fellow man. Though she often acts with a gentle demeanor, Rowan will fight to the edge of her abilities to save the Star.

Relationship: Slow burn Romance with Urianger Arugelt.
Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything 50e665fa26a821e564eed9a82a470ea7628ab3af

Rowan finds herself drawn to the mysterious Urianger nigh instantly when she joins the Scions, finding his enthusiasm for magic and velvety voice attractive. Thanks to her mother's obsession with an Ishgardian playwright, she doesn't find his antiquated speech patterns hard to parse and almost revels in the ease that she can understand him.

Though his secrets have hurt her on at least two separate occasions, Rowan finds Urianger's reasons for keeping them natural and reasonable, and quickly forgives him each time. This spurs him to do better and to amend his ways. Though it takes them years for them to finally get together, the pair relax into a courtship where they can learn to express their wants and fears while receiving gentleness for both.

Key Traits: Acts of Service as a Love Language, musical, gentle, shy, martyr/Atlas complex, secret keeper, eager learner, holding others to accountability.

Family Members: Jeaneaux Argentas (adoptive father, deceased), Alfinne Argentas (adoptive mother, living), Ellant Argentas (adoptive brother, missing in action, later found), Louineaux Argentas-Arugelt (future son), Luninne Argentas-Arugelt (future daughter)

((As I am all caught up with Endwalker, Endwalker spoilers apply. I am not entirely sure if I'll answer every question in character or not. We'll see!))
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Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

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PostSubject: Re: Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything   Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Icon_minitimeWed 28 Feb - 10:41

What would you say is the most important lesson to be learned from Red Magic? If there was one piece of advice you'd offer to anyone thinking of taking up the Crimson, what is it?
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Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

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PostSubject: Re: Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything   Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Icon_minitimeWed 28 Feb - 12:29

Urianger seems to rather easily develop working relationships with the oddest of sorts--pixies, Loporrits. How does that affect you, Rowan?
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Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything   Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Icon_minitimeWed 28 Feb - 21:33

I see that you have the art of Bard under your belt. What kind of songs and melodies have you woven? :>
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Artist : yes
Roleplayer : no
Writer : yes

Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything   Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Icon_minitimeThu 29 Feb - 7:58

What would you say is the most important lesson to be learned from Red Magic? If there was one piece of advice you'd offer to anyone thinking of taking up the Crimson, what is it?
"I suppose it's the most basic lesson, that of balance. Red Magic flows through you, and if you lean too far towards Umbral or Astral, you won't be doing much of anything, or at least not effectively. Tis the same for most of life. If you work too hard without rest, you'll burn out, but if you do naught at all, you'll hurt the vulnerable with indolence."
She picks up her focus, letting it float above her hand. "For those who haven't had a chance to learn magic before hand, the moments of immobility while casting can leave you incredibly vulnerable. Dualcasting lets you get around this a little, but don't forget the rhythm. For those who are more magically inclined, you must get over any fears of being too close to your enemy. Your rapier becomes a conduit for Red Magic, almost as if it were the bolt of magic itself. Practice your drills and you'll be in and out in no time."

Urianger seems to rather easily develop working relationships with the oddest of sorts--pixies, Loporrits. How does that affect you, Rowan?
Rowan raises her finger, then pauses. "You know, mayhap that's why I got along with Urianger at first. People always note that he's strange first, but they don't see that he's gentle, really. I didn't get to see him start his relationship with the pixies, just hear how he passed their tests. But with the Loporrits, I saw how he would give them room to try and express themselves."
She smiles. "Twas easy to trust him to working with them. And it saved us, in the end. And while sometimes Puddingway will vie for his attention and get in my face about it, Urianger will set time aside for just me."

I see that you have the art of Bard under your belt. What kind of songs and melodies have you woven? :>
Rowan scratches the the back of her head shyly. "Oh... mostly just a few diddies and variations on folk songs. No epics or such... Some say that my work as the Warrior of Light would constitute as one, and I'm not about to dispute that. But twould be rather gauche to write about your own life like that, wouldn't it?" She turns a quill in her fingers. "Guydelot already claimed that honor anyways. When I do write music, tis usually short and simple. One day I might try to write a concerto, though I've yet to write anything for multiple instruments."

Thanks guys!
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Artist : Yes
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

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PostSubject: Re: Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything   Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Icon_minitimeThu 29 Feb - 22:14

How does Rowan handle the separation from Urianger when he's on the moon working with the Loporrits?
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Artist : yes
Roleplayer : no
Writer : yes

Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything   Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Icon_minitimeFri 1 Mar - 4:56

Ainyan wrote:
How does Rowan handle the separation from Urianger when he's on the moon working with the Loporrits?

"It's much easier these now that the Star isn't in constant danger of the Final Days. I don't have to worry about being at full capacity all the time and can spare the Anima to go to the Moon and see him myself. Dreamingway asked me for help in Hopper's Hold, so I've lent them some of my time while Livingway confers with Urianger." Rowan takes a sip of tea, and looks away shyly. "We've, ah, taken to sleeping at the Watcher's Palace when we're together, however. Urianger didn't quite get to the importance of privacy before Livingway wanted to come down and help."

Also, in a shared universe,
6.4 Spoilers:
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Hear, Feel, Think
Artist : No
Roleplayer : Yes
Writer : Yes

Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything   Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Icon_minitimeMon 4 Mar - 22:21

On a less Urianger-oriented tangent, what did you think of Gaius at first? And now?
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Artist : yes
Roleplayer : no
Writer : yes

Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything   Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Icon_minitimeWed 6 Mar - 10:06

Skaar wrote:
On a less Urianger-oriented tangent, what did you think of Gaius at first? And now?

"I tend to think of him as two separate people, really. The Black Wolf and the Shadow Hunter. I had to do it when I saw him show up with Alphinaud. It made little sense otherwise."

She paces a bit. "The Black Wolf haunted my nightmares as a child. It got so bad that my mother was going to ask the Padjal for a cleansing on the house. Which as a duskwight, would have been extreme. My father had another idea - get me tired enough that I wouldn't dream at all. So he taught me a few drills with the lance and had me practice til I was exhausted. What he didn't realize was that I was able to take my skills I learned while waking into my dreams. I defeated the Black Wolf and I didn't have that dream until the night before the Scions undertook Operation Archon."

Rowan scratches the back of her head shyly. "Oh, as a child, I didn't know that he was actually a man. All I remember of my birth mother was her telling me to run from the Black Wolf. I thought she was speaking of a wolf-shaped machina then. Even if I had the wrong idea, it did get me to safety. It got me my name as well - I was found in a rowan tree. He shaped me into who I am today, for better or for worse."

"... Baelsar is a formidable fighter. I charged at him when I first saw him in the Praetorium, and he swept me away before summoning a machina to fight. Then he still had energy enough to pilot the Ultima Weapon after our fight on the elevator. But after the Ultima Weapon was no more, I thought he was gone. I was satisfied to bury him in the wreckage of the Praetorium."

"So to see him at the Burn, carrying Alphinaud's body in his arms, telling me he is out to destroy the weapon that likely killed my birth family? I called him the Shadowhunter and tried to think of him as a different man. Valdeaulin and I had a long conversation about what to do about him. I... I felt satisfied that I had killed the Black Wolf back then. This second life that Valdeaulin gave Baelsar was his to take if he so wished. After all of the sorrows he faced in Werlyt with his..." Rowan grimaces. "They didn't deserve to die like that. And Baelsar knows it. And he'll have to sit with that for the rest of his life. One that I'm not too keen on visiting, personally."

(Ough, this was just what I needed to shake of my writer's block, thanks!)
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PostSubject: Re: Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything   Rowan Argentas - Ask Her Anything Icon_minitime

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