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 there's a weird cat outside

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PostSubject: there's a weird cat outside   there's a weird cat outside Icon_minitimeTue 27 Feb - 4:31

my brain has not been rotating my main man, so here's a thread for him! This is Eris. Just Eris. Nothing suspicious here at all.
Spoilers for the entire DRK quest line!! These are integral to his character. Any further warnings will be mentioned as they come up and hidden accordingly 👍

there's a weird cat outside Cat_ag11
img source

Eris has Dissociative Identity Disorder and just kind of came to one day as the Warrior of Light in the beginning of Heavensward. Turns out his alters have been running around as the great primal slayer for a while! Have fun filling those shoes, buddy! Eris doesn't talk much and usually opts for sign language, while Esteem can be quite chatty once she's comfortable; unfortunately they're both god awful at saying what they mean and tend to come across as clueless or even downright rude. 

I usually just say 'Eristeem' when discussing Eris & Esteem specifically and i say 'Erisys' when discussing just the collective in general. He is the main WoL in a multi WoL universe; two lovely ladies Kassandra and Aite (a friend's OC) may come up in lore answers as they tend to talk for Eris! He will do his best to communicate, despite everything! Apologies for any waffling or non answers, he is just a cat.
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PostSubject: Re: there's a weird cat outside   there's a weird cat outside Icon_minitimeTue 27 Feb - 6:21

Hi Eris (and Esteem too, if she'd like to answer)! Two questions for you, one hopefully a lot easier than the other.

First, the easier one: What's been your favorite thing to eat or drink that you've had in your travels?

Second, and maybe a bit more difficult: What's your relationship with the Scions been like? Are there any members you have strong feelings about, good, bad, or otherwise?

(Out of character, please let me know if I'm not addressing your characters correctly, I really don't want to be rude but I haven't had any interaction with folks who have DID in real life so I don't have much experience to go on)
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PostSubject: Re: there's a weird cat outside   there's a weird cat outside Icon_minitimeTue 27 Feb - 15:28

TheDeerLord wrote:
Hi Eris (and Esteem too, if she'd like to answer)! Two questions for you, one hopefully a lot easier than the other.

First, the easier one: What's been your favorite thing to eat or drink that you've had in your travels?

Second, and maybe a bit more difficult: What's your relationship with the Scions been like? Are there any members you have strong feelings about, good, bad, or otherwise?

(Out of character, please let me know if I'm not addressing your characters correctly, I really don't want to be rude but I haven't had any interaction with folks who have DID in real life so I don't have much experience to go on)

((It's all good! Let's just say we write from personal experience so anything that Sounds Weird can just be used as a teaching moment, as I fully realize "how to interact with multiples" is not really something most people get right off the bat.))

"Soup." He flashes a goofy half smile and thumbs up then signs, quickly, 'We like soup. And trying different soups. Haurchefant used to make this tea that tasted like... It tasted bad, very bitter and ick. But it was nice to consistently have it in Ishgard, when things were getting weird and I was trying to catch up with everything.'

His smile falls, he looks to the side, and tells the rest through sign as well, 'Most people don't really treat us differently. I think they all have to know by now, but I think everyone caught on at different times. It's been difficult for us to hide it, but no one really makes a big deal out of it or gets into our business. We're all just... Eris, to everyone. I'm okay with that. Esteem doesn't like it. We're trying to make a compromise.'

'Y'shtola is Esteem's friend before she's mine, she sees right through us most days...'

"But she's blind. That doesn't make sense." He interrupts himself, "Does that make sense?" His hands start to fumble, but he attempts to sign as he talks, "She.. sees...? She can see us. She can tell us apart? Wait... I guess she can, I don't know how though, we like her, I think. She's usually very... Relaxed..." he slips back into sign exclusively, 'She's very patient with us, most people aren't.'

'Raha.. I like him. I don't think Esteem does, or maybe she just likes him in a different way? We told him about us. He was the first person we really told, outright, but I don't think he actually understood much of it. It's hard to talk to Krile, because I want her to like me, since her and Raha are close, but I get nervous and end up avoiding her. He talks alot. We don't have to talk. I like to listen to him.'

'Estinien doesn't know sign, it's hard to talk to him. We've had moments, especially recently. We don't dislike each other, which is a huge improvement over most people.'

'Tataru is Tataru. She's sweet and minds her business and taught us to sew a little bit better - I think she might be my favourite.'

'I didn't know Minfillia, or Lyse before she was Lyse, or Papalymo. It felt weird, being expected to know them and remember them. My memories of them aren't mine, but they're... there. Hazy, but there. I can remember their faces, but not if we got along or not.. When Lyse started being Lyse, we disagreed often. Nothing felt right during that time, though, so maybe it was my fault.'

'That's most people we see on the daily, I think. Arenvald is a really good guy, too, it's a shame we don't see each other more often. Someone got along with him well before I took over, I think, but it's easy to slip into a conversation with him so it's okay.'
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there's a weird cat outside Empty
PostSubject: Re: there's a weird cat outside   there's a weird cat outside Icon_minitimeTue 27 Feb - 17:04

Soup is truly an excellent choice! Just about anything can go in it and there's nothing like it to warm yourself up on a cold day.

I'm glad it seems that the Scions are at least somewhat understanding; I can't imagine that it's easy being pushed into the role of Warrior of Light, especially so suddenly. Do you have any other people that you like spending time with regularly?

You mentioned knowing how to sew a little, is that more for practical purposes or is that something you enjoy doing as a hobby? And are there any other things you enjoy doing in the downtime between your duties as the Warrior, or wish you could do if you had the time?
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PostSubject: Re: there's a weird cat outside   there's a weird cat outside Icon_minitimeTue 27 Feb - 19:40

TheDeerLord wrote:
Soup is truly an excellent choice! Just about anything can go in it and there's nothing like it to warm yourself up on a cold day.

I'm glad it seems that the Scions are at least somewhat understanding; I can't imagine that it's easy being pushed into the role of Warrior of Light, especially so suddenly. Do you have any other people that you like spending time with regularly?

You mentioned knowing how to sew a little, is that more for practical purposes or is that something you enjoy doing as a hobby? And are there any other things you enjoy doing in the downtime between your duties as the Warrior, or wish you could do if you had the time?

(Heavensward and Eden spoilers ahead!)

He nods, 'We'll likely never agree on Haurchefant, but we both recognize how much he and Edmont did for us. When we first got to Ishgard, we disappeared pretty often... It was really only Edmont that noticed, everyone else was in their own worlds. Even after Haurchefant was gone, Edmont continued to welcome us at House Fortemps. I'd say it was our first taste of what a home could be, what having a loved one was like.'

'I go back to Ishgard to see him sometimes. Other times it's to see Sid and Rielle.'

Esteem smirks more than she smiles, "I think Sid is what you'd call a 'best friend' if you were a pre teen girl. Given we had no friends at that age, I think we're allowed to still say it. He believes us without much question which is hard to get people to do. He feels exceedingly easy to be open to, and Rielle is... She's a good kid. I think I've told her too many stories. She's learning sign from us and talking about being a Warrior of Light And Dark when she grows up. I tell her it's pretty lame, but she's quite set on it."

She ends up putting a finger to her chin, "Gaia is another one. We're pretty sure she's like us. As difficult as getting through to her is, I remember being her age and it sucked pretty bad! I think little Ahris'to would've appreciated an attempt at letting him have a normal-ish life, even if the damage had already been done. Maybe we wouldn't have to be running around the way we do. Ryne is wary of us, not her fault, the whole... everything with the light and almost dying, um," she laughs, "Yea I wasn't the easiest to deal with. Probably scared the piss out of her. Thancred still isn't our biggest fan, so that doesn't help, Halone knows what he's told her. She's a good kid. She seems to care more about Gaia than she does herself or her hang ups about us, so she usually tags along during our attempts at bonding."

"Sewing is a purely practical skill. All we had after the Calamity were the clothes on our back, and I had to make them last, but wasn't any good until Tataru sat us down and talked at us about it for a couple hours."

She hums, "She helped us find our first real home, too, hidden away off the Limsa coast. Eris wants to start a garden. We've got the land for it, we just have to pick plants that won't mind if they're forgotten every so often. Ah, and fishing. Ocean freaks me out, so he sticks to rivers for my sake, but he's told me if he can't hear me he heads to the coastline. Besides that.. I like to watch Cid work, over at Ironworks? I really don't know what in the hell he's on about when he explains the machines and what not to me, but it feels like I might if I listen alittle closer. Plus, the shit he makes is... cute. It's cute," she laughs, "Sorry. I must sound insane calling machines cute. I can't shake it, Myste adores them too, he must've rubbed off on me."
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PostSubject: Re: there's a weird cat outside   there's a weird cat outside Icon_minitimeTue 27 Feb - 20:10

I wouldn't say calling machines cute is grounds for insanity; I know I personally find little gadgets and automata very adorable, especially when made with as much skill as Cid certainly has.

I'd love to hear more about your house, what's the surrounding area like? And do you have any decorations or other household items that are really important to you, or is it more of a utilitarian place?

On the fishing front, do you have any particular fish you like to try and catch, or any wisdom for aspiring fishers? And maybe this might be a tougher question, but is there a particular reason for the ocean bothering you, or just a general phobia?
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PostSubject: Re: there's a weird cat outside   there's a weird cat outside Icon_minitimeWed 28 Feb - 10:44

How difficult is it to learn sign language? Why or why not?
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PostSubject: Re: there's a weird cat outside   there's a weird cat outside Icon_minitimeWed 28 Feb - 21:28

Oh, this is the first time I've seen a WoL with DID!

If you're comfortable, do you know how many alters you have? Do they have stories they like recounting and sharing when they've come out? After all, if they've been primal slayers and have gone on adventures themselves, surely they have something!
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PostSubject: Re: there's a weird cat outside   there's a weird cat outside Icon_minitimeFri 1 Mar - 14:14

WanderersWay wrote:
How difficult is it to learn sign language? Why or why not?

'I don't remember how or why I learned. I just knew it when I came to, so I can't really say for certain if it's easy or not. Sign doesn't follow spoken grammar. I think that trips speaking and hearing people up when they learn it as a second language. I can't sign as fast if Esteem is also talking at the same time.'

'I can hear. I sign because my voice is uncomfortable to use, so I don't talk to others that sign much.'

((Erisys grew up with a Deaf older sister, so he learned sign at the same time as he learned to speak but doesn't remember most of the details of this. He mostly uses what is essentially final fantasy'ed ASL!))
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PostSubject: Re: there's a weird cat outside   there's a weird cat outside Icon_minitimeFri 1 Mar - 14:32

TheDeerLord wrote:
I wouldn't say calling machines cute is grounds for insanity; I know I personally find little gadgets and automata very adorable, especially when made with as much skill as Cid certainly has.

I'd love to hear more about your house, what's the surrounding area like? And do you have any decorations or other household items that are really important to you, or is it more of a utilitarian place?

On the fishing front, do you have any particular fish you like to try and catch, or any wisdom for aspiring fishers? And maybe this might be a tougher question, but is there a particular reason for the ocean bothering you, or just a general phobia?

"It's.. it's getting somewhere? 'Home' is still a weird concept to us, but we have a kitchen, and we'll make a dining table eventually..." 

She ends up falling back to sign, 'It's very much utilitarian. And hidden. We've been using it to hide more than anything - sleeping in the same room or tent as Alphinaud was one thing but now there's just too many people.'

Esteem grimaces. '..I've been on too many boats. The salt smell brings back memories - And if I'm too close, he'll remember them too. Remembering shit you weren't even present for sucks. It sucks enough with the Echo but it's pretty clear you're watching someone else’s memories. When you're watching your own?' She shakes her hands out like she's trying to get something off of them.

The disgusted expression falls as Eris takes over, 'Been into collector's fish recently.. Like, aquarium fish. My advice for new fishers is to have fun, but if you need the money, rare aquarium fish are very popular. Being quiet doesn't actually pay off much, but keeping still does. As long as you can pay attention to changes in your rod tension, you're fine. And you should be asking locals about the area's health, especially somewhere that's already fragile or got weird aether. They know better than you.' He flashes a thumbs up with a blank expression!
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PostSubject: Re: there's a weird cat outside   there's a weird cat outside Icon_minitimeFri 1 Mar - 15:49

PaintedScales wrote:
Oh, this is the first time I've seen a WoL with DID!

If you're comfortable, do you know how many alters you have? Do they have stories they like recounting and sharing when they've come out? After all, if they've been primal slayers and have gone on adventures themselves, surely they have something!

'I used to talk to the others more. There's something like...' He counts with his eyes closed, 'Maybe five I knew about, not including Esteem. Ever since the whole... Thing. With the Crystal tower and the Ascians and Norvrandt, they just sound like grinding metal to me. Most of them didn't have much to say, honestly, but I also wasn't exactly listening. I didn't have the downtime to care until now. When they did get my attention, it was usually because I needed the context on something, like who Minfillia or since when has Alphinaud had a twin. Esteem is the only talkative one.'

'She once, somehow, exited my head and started parading around in the body of someone called 'Fray.' Pretty sure every time she talked about a friend doing this or that, she was talking about herself. Even though she seems to have been around the most before me, she has a lot of blank spots, like the whole 'Lahabrea possessed Thancred' thing, neither of us remember that at all.'
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there's a weird cat outside Empty
PostSubject: Re: there's a weird cat outside   there's a weird cat outside Icon_minitimeMon 25 Mar - 14:01

Oh, same hat! <- is plural also

Does Eris have a different job class from the other alters? If so, how come? If not, would he pick a different one?

Also a more DID focused question for fun: How good is Erisys system at sharing memories/info?
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PostSubject: Re: there's a weird cat outside   there's a weird cat outside Icon_minitimeTue 26 Mar - 18:54

rabbitr wrote:
Oh, same hat! <- is plural also

Does Eris have a different job class from the other alters? If so, how come? If not, would he pick a different one?

Also a more DID focused question for fun: How good is Erisys system at sharing memories/info?

'I don't see a reason to be anything but a Dark Knight.' He signs with a look like he's really thinking about it. 'Esteem doesn't even really conjure anymore. I think she could if she really needed it, but there hasn't been that need in a long while. This,' he stops to pull out his Dark Knight's soulstone - it's on a leather cord around his neck, 'Can catch just about anyone up on how to do what we do.'  

'Very few are willing to talk, outloud, I can't hear them unless they use my voice so I don't get any information unless it's told to me. I guess that's why things are easier with the Scions always around? Alphinaud loves to talk, and we all sign a little bit differently, so Alphinaud gets the chance to keep repeating himself if he notices a passing of control.' He signs 'haha' instead of actually laughing.

(( i've met more systems in this community than i have in any other... sometimes i wonder if there's a large cultural difference between the 14 fandom and others that attracts us .. ANYWAYS HAI!!!!! 
alphinaud1 ))
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